Be Kind by Thinking Globally, Donating Locally


Today’s Random Act of Kindness Week assignment is to donate either time or money to a local charity. I like this one, because it shines a light Yasmine-Davis-Make-a-Birthday-Wish-Good-Neighbor-Stories-Random-Acts-of-Kindness-Weekon those nonprofit organizations that serve our communities day in and day out, many times without the recognition or larger donations that benefit big name national and international groups.

Good Neighbor Stories often features small nonprofits making a big impact while operating on shoestring budgets here in the San Francisco Bay Area. On Wednesday two groups, The Grateful Garment Project, and Good Karma Bikes were part of my “Profiles in Kindness” post.

I’ve also written about other small nonprofits like Make a Birthday Wish in Cupertino, led by teenager Yasmine Davis and her family. Together with Yasmine’s friends as volunteers, they throw birthday parties for Silicon Valley children whose families are homeless or in deep financial need, complete with gifts, cake, decorations, favors, and fun activities.

Another great example of a small group making a big difference is Project WeHope in East Palo Alto. Pastor Paul Bains Pastor-Paul-Bains-Project-WeHOPE-East-Palo-Alto-Good-Neighbor-Stories-Random-Acts-of-Kindness-Weekand his volunteers work tirelessly to shelter the homeless on cold nights and provide a solid foundation for the city’s youth. Their goal is to end homelessness in that community in the coming decade.

Still another example is the Faith In Action Silicon Valley Rotating Shelter, which provides a safe, warm place to sleep for about 15 homeless men, as well as services to help them find jobs and permanent homes. Local churches take turns a month at a time housing the shelter, and volunteers bring in meals every night.

You can find many more local nonprofits on our Be a Good Neighbor Page, which lists dozens of groups by interest. Take a moment to look at the page and see if there’s a group you might be inspired to support with either some of your time, or your money.

Many of our local charities may be small, but their impact goes far beyond the community. Like the example of a pebble tossed into a pond creating rings that emanate through the entire body of water, each small act performed by these nonprofits has the potential to spread positive change throughout the entire world. And just think, your volunteer hours or donation of money can be a part of that change.

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” ~ Scott Adams

What local charities do you like to support? Share with us in the comments section!

See this week’s other Random Acts of Kindness Posts: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4.